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President of China Power Supply SocietyIEEE Fellow, IEEE PELS Distinguished Lecturer (2015)Professor and Director of Power Electronics InstituteNational Engineering Research Center of Applied Power Electronics
Mark Dehong Xu (M’94-SM'09-F'13) received Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, in 1989. He becomes a full professor in Zhejiang University since 1996. He was a visiting professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in University of Tokyo of Japan from May 1995 to June 1996, and Center of Power Electronics System in Virginia Tech in United State from June to December of 2000 and Power Electronics Lab of ETH in Zurich in 2006 respectively. He is interested in power electronics topology, control, and applications to renewable energy and energy efficiency. He has authored six books and more than 200 IEEE Journal or Conference papers. He holds more than 30 Chinese patents and 3 US patents. He received four IEEE journal or conference prize paper awards.
He was at-large Adcom member of IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2006 to 2008. He is an associate editor of both IEEE transaction on power electronics and IEEE transaction on Sustainable Energy. He was the General Chair of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics(ISIE2012, Hangzhou), IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG2013, Arkansas), IEEE Power Electronics and Applications (PEAC2014, Shanghai), and International Future Energy Challenge Competition (IFEC2015). He is IEEE PELS Distinguish Lecturer in 2015. Since 2013, he is President of China Power Supply Society. He is IEEE Fellow.
Soft switching has been successfully applied in switching supplies, inverter for induction heating etc. However, application of soft switching to three-phase inverters or converters are not so common up to now. Three-phase converters/inverters are widely used in Data Center, UPS, fast EV chargers, PV/Wind power inverter, and drives. In this presentation a novel Space Vector Modulation(SVM) scheme known as Zero-Voltage-Switching SVM(ZVS-SVM) is proposed. It can realize zero voltage switching for all switching including both inverter bridges switches and the added auxiliary switch for Three-Phase inverters. Then The ZVS-SVM can be used either Three-Phase AC/DC converters or inverters. Experiment results of 30kW ZVS inverter are introduced. Finally impact of SiC device on soft switching inverters is investigated with respect to the power density and conversion efficiency.