Invited Session on Advanced control technologies for robotic system and its applications

Organizers: Dr. Yiming Jiang and Prof. Chenguang Yang

Over the last few decades, the robot control technologies have seen successful developments and wide applications due to the effort made by industrial and academic communities. Driven by industrial 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, the demand for high-performance robots is also growing rapidly. However, the robotic systems such as industrial manipulators, mobile robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc., are characterized with high-nonlinearity, strong coupling, and time-varying dynamics, thus we are seeking for more advanced control technologies to guarantee not only positioning accuracy, but also enough flexibility to complete complex tasks in intelligent factory.

To this end, advanced control techniques like intelligent control, sensor-based control, visual servo control, model predict control, observer-based control and other advanced control strategies have been extensively studied for various robotic systems. The main focus of this special issue will be on advanced control methods and approaches for robotics systems, in order to improve the state-of-the-art of the robot control for industrial 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing.

We encourage authors to submit their original contributions of synthesizing advanced control algorithms into a variety of robotic systems. Potential topics include, but are not limited to the following:

• Intelligent control for robotic systems
• Visual sorving control for robotic systems
• Adaptive control for robotic systems
• Advanced control for human robot interaction
• Advanced control for flight vessels
• Advanced control for autonomous underwater vessels
• Neural network based robot control
• Observer based robot control
• Optimization based robot control

Please submit your full paper on the submission website by deadline.

Dr. Yiming Jiang, Hunan University, China,
Prof. Chenguang Yang, University of West England, UK,