Professor Yanzhong Li
Yanzhong Li

Xi’an Jiaotong University, China



Professor Li received the Bachelor and Master degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University in Jan. 1982 and Nov. 1984, respectively. He finished the Ph.D. dissertation as a sandwich student at Free University Berlin in between Jan. 1992 to Dec. 1994, received PhD degree in 1995. He has the position of full professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University since 1999, and has been to Australia, Japan, Singapore as a visiting professor. More than 300 academic papers have been published, among which 150 plus papers are indexed by SCI and EI. He is supervising postgraduates and Ph.D. students majored in Refrigeration and Cryogenics. 15 Ph.D. and 35 graduates have been graduated up to present.


Professor Li is now as the member of the academic authority panel, the excusive director of academic degree committee and education committee of Energy and Power Engineering School, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is the Member of Commission A1 of International Institute of Refrigeration, Board member of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, and the Director of Shaanxi Provincial Association of Refrigeration.



Efficient recovery and integrative utilization of LNG cold energy


LNG is one of the important energy more and more used in the present society, due to its distinguishing advantages of convenient transportation, lower emission and higher quality. China will be the largest country of LNG production and consumption in the coming 20-30 years. LNG has the normal boiling temperature of -161C at a common pressure. A great deal of cold energy (about 900 kJ/kg) could be released during its change from liquid to gas for the ultimate burning. Unfortunately theses cold energy won’t be well utilized up to now. The key techniques and efficient methods of LNG cold energy utilization are attracting attention of government, scientists and industries recently. This talk will present possible ways and potential application of LNG cold energy. The feasibility and practical applicability of techniques were analyzed and studied. The different integrative utilization schemes of LNG cold energy are also presented.