Session MoA2

Control I Session

June 9, 2014 (Monday), 11:20 - 12:20

Room 103

Session Chair : Dr. Dragutin Debeljkovic (University of Belgrade)

Co-Sessions Chair : Prof. Ni Zhang (Zhejiang University of Technology)


MoA2.1       11:20 - 11:40       5208
Exponential Synchronization of Complex Networks with Nonidentical Time Varying Coupling Delays and Switching Topology  
Ni Zhang, Yan-xin Piao, Xiong-xiong He

Zhejiang University of Technology (China)


MoA2.2       11:40 – 12:00      5062
Finite Time Stability of Continuous Time Delay Systems: Jensen's Inequality-based Approach
Dragutin Lj. Debeljkovic*, Nebojsa J. Dimitrijevic†, Ivan M. Buzurovic‡, Milan A. Misic#

*University of Belgrade (Serbia), †School of High Applied Professional Education (Serbia), ‡Harvard Medical School (USA), #University of Pristina (Serbia)


MoA2.3       12:00 - 12:20       5540

Exponential Stability of Stochastic Neural Networks with Time-variant Mixed Time-delays and Uncertainty

Yuqing Sun, Wuneng Zhou

Donghua University (China)