Session MoM3

Computational Intelligence I Session

June 9, 2014 (Monday), 13:20 - 15:20

Room 201

Session Chair : Prof. Chia-Feng Juang (National Chung-Hsing University)  

                                 Co-Session Chair : Dr. Chris Ling (Caufield School of Information Technology)



MoM3.1       13:20 - 13:40       5348

ANFIS Modeling of the PMV Thermal Comfort Index Based on Prior Knowledge
LUO Yifan, LI Ning , LI Shaoyuan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)


MoM3.2       13:40 – 14:00      5235
Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Variable Area Ratio Ejector
Haoran Chen and Wenjian CAI

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)


MoM3.3       14:00 - 14:20       5185
A High-Order Fuzzy Classifier Learned Through Clustering and Gradient Descent Algorithm for Classification Problems
Chia-Feng Juang, Guo-Cyuan Chen

National Chung-Hsing University (Taiwan)


MoM3.4       14:20 - 14:40       5179
Situation-aware adaptation to optimise energy consumption in Intelligent Buildings using Coloured Petri Nets
Percy J. Igei Kaneshiro*, Pari Delir Haghighi†, Sea Ling†

*São Paulo Federal Institute (Brazil), †Monash University (Australia)