Session MoM4

Invited Session


Intelligent System– Organized by Dr. Hualiang Zhuang


Optical Systems & Optoelectronics Devices – Organized By Prof. Jia Li

June 9, 2014 (Monday), 13:20 - 15:20

Room 202

Session Chair : Hualiang Zhuang (Zhejiang University of Technology)  

Co-Session Chair : Ji Bo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)



MoM4.1       13:20 - 13:40       5572
Parameters Optimization of Internal Model Controller with Control Variable Constraint
Bo Xin, Qi Wang, Beiyan Jiang, Qibing Jin

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China)


MoM4.2       13:40 – 14:00      5489
A Novel design method of multi-objective robust PID controller for industrial process
Yuqi Tian, Qi Wang, Yuanfei Wang, Qibing Jin

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China)


MoM4.3       14:00 - 14:20       5523

An Improved Algorithms for The Circular Two-dimensional Open Dimension Problem
Hanrui Wang, Jizheng Chu, Zhengbao Zhao, Qibing Jin

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China)


MoM4.4       14:20 - 14:40       5558
Real Time Runway Detection in Satellite Images Using Multi-Channel PCNN
Hualiang Zhuang*, Kay-Soon Low†

*Zhejiang University of Technology (China), †Nanyang Technological Univeristy (Singapore)


MoM4.5       14:40 - 15:00       5245
Study on test the large aperture flat by a smaller standard mirror use the Ritchey-Common method
Ji Bo, Xu Chen

Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)


MoM4.6       15:00 - 15:20       5246
The study on the location of the reflect optical element in optical testing and assembling
Ji Bo, Xu Chen

Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)