Session MoPP2

Interactive Session


June 9, 2014 (Monday), 15:40 - 17:40

2nd Floor Corridor

1.  MoPP2.1      5400
A Comparative Study of Communication Disturbance Observers for Time-Delay Systems
Jin-Shyan Lee*, Ta-Cheng Chien*,  Da-Hong Jian*, Yuan-Heng Sun†

*National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan), †Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan)


2.  MoPP2.2       5171
The Realization and Evaluation of The Reins’ Control Method
Qingsong HAN, Naoki AKAI, Kazumichi INOUE, Koichi OZAKI

Utsunomiya University (Japan)


3.  MoPP2.3       5233

Satellite Disciplined Crystal Oscillator System Based on Kalman Filter and PI Algorithm
Yanhua Diao, Meng Li, Xiuqing Zhang, Xiaojun Wang

Hebei University of Science and Technology (China)


4.  MoPP2.4       5005
A predictive control algorithm based on integrated weighted output of multi-model for boiler turbine system
Deliang Zeng, Shan Gao, Shuwen Diao, Congxi Wen

North China Electric Power University (China)


5.  MoPP2.5       5028
Research on Energy-saving Control of Standby Household Appliances
Guiqing Zhang, Xianghe Ji, Chengdong Li, Liang Tao, Xiaolong Wu

Shandong Jianzhu University (China)


6.  MoPP2.6       5293
Co-simulation and Control Algorithm of Intelligent Bionic Hands with Multi-degree of Freedom

Yang Zhiming, Tian Yantao ,Xu Zhuojun, Li Yang

Jilin University (China)