Session WeEP2

Invited poster Session

Organized by Prof. Le Chen and Prof. Ketai He

June 11, 2014 (Wednesday), 09:00 - 10:00

2nd Floor Corridor

1.  WeEP2.1      5612
The Model of Prediction of Blast Furnace Gas Output
Xiaoshan Zhao, Ketai He, Lan Yang, Zhimin lv

University of Science and Technology Beijing (China)


2.  WeEP2.2       5633
The Prediction for Output of Blast Furnace Gas Based on Genetic Algorithm and LSSVM
Lan Yang, Ketai He*, Xiaoshan Zhao, Zhimin Lv

University of Science and Technology Beijing (China)


3.  WeEP2.3       5653

Human Gait Capture by Tracking Joint Motion Based on Kalman Filter
Shuai Tian, Weihai Chen, Xingming Wu

Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (China)


4.  WeEP2.4      5547
Application of Grey Relational Analysis on the Prediction of Battery Capacity
Peng Li, Le Chen, Zeyao Wang, Yaqiong Fu

China Jiliang University (China)


5.  WeEP2.5       5548
Research on Analysis and Measurement Method for Thermal Resistance of Precision Resistor

Jian Wu*,† Zhengkun Li,  Le Chen*

*China Jiliang University (China), †National Institute of Metrology (China)


6.  WeEP2.6       5556
A Design of General Compiler for NC Code in Embedded NC System
Xiaoyan Lai

Jinshan College of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (China)


7.  WeEP2.7      5383
Optimal Design of Renewable Hybrid Energy System for a village in Ghana
Emmanuel Obuobi Kwame Addo*,  Johnson Asumadu†,  Philip Yaw Okyere*

*Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), †West Michigan University (USA)