Session: TT15 | Robotics (I) |
P1623 | Stereo Refinement Based on Gradient Domain Guided Filtering |
P1150 | Image Based Visual Servoing for Landmine Detection using Quadrotors |
P1320 | Dynamic Augmented Kalman Filtering for Human Motion Tracking under Occlusion Using Multiple 3D Sensors |
P1101 | Humanoid Muscle-Skeleton Robot Arm Design and Control Based on Reinforcement Learning |
P1295 | Guidelines to Select Between Self-Contained Electro-Hydraulic and Electro-Mechanical Cylinders |
P1413 | A Dynamic Surface Controller based on Adaptive Neural Network for Dual Arm Robots |
P1323 | Laser Triangulation 3D Point Cloud Sensor with Long Range and Large Field of View |