Message from General Chairs
Organizing Committee
International Advisory Committee
Technical Program Committee
Panel of Reviewers
Keynote Speeches
Invited and Special Sessions
Program Overview
Technical Programme
Author Index
General Information
Conference Location & Floor Plan
About Kristiansand, Norway
Technical Programme
All timings are CET (Central European Time (CET)), UTC +1
Session: LS01
Best Paper Award Selection
Session: TT01
Industrial Informatics & Computational Intelligence (I)
Session: TT02
Industrial Informatics & Computational Intelligence (II)
Session: TT03
Industrial Information & Computational Intelligence (III)
Session: TT04
Industrial Informatics & Computational Intelligence (IV)
Session: TT05
Cyber-physical Systems (I)
Session: TT06
Cyber-physical Systems (II)
Session: TT07
Control and Systems (I)
Session: TT08
Control and Systems (II)
Session: TT09
Control and Systems (III)
Session: TT10
Control and Systems (IV)
Session: TT11
Energy and Environment (I)
Session: TT12
Energy and Environment (II)
Session: TT13
Energy and Environment (III)
Session: TT14
Energy and Environment (IV)
Session: TT15
Robotics (I)
Session: TT16
Robotics (II)
Session: TT17
Robotics (III)
Session: TT18
Power Electronics (I)
Session: TT19
Power Electronics (II)
Session: TT20
Power Electronics (III)
Session: TT21
Power Electronics (IV)
Session: TT22
Power Electronics (V)
Session: TT23
Power Electronics (VI)
Session: TT24
Power Electronics (VII)
Session: TT25
Power Electronics (VIII)
Session: TT26
Power Electronics (IX)
Session: TT27
Signal and Information Processing (I)
Session: TT28
Signal and Information Processing (II)
Session: TT29
Signal and Information Processing (III)
Session: TT30
Signal and Information Processing (IV)
Session: TT31
Network and Communication Technologies
Session: TT32
Artificial Intelligence (I)
Session: TT33
Artificial Intelligence (II)
Session: SS01
Invited Session on Autonomous vehicle state-of-the-art, challenges and future road map & Invited Session on Distributed Renewable Energies: Modeling, Planning, Regulation and Application
Session: SS02
Invited Session on Advanced Control Technologies For Power Electronics and Applications
Session: SS03
Invited Session on Power Converters for Energy Router: Topologies, Advanced Control Strategies and Applications
Session: SS04
Invited Session on Advanced Control Methodologies for Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Industrial Applications (I)
Session: SS05
Invited Session on Advanced Control Methodologies for Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Industrial Applications (II)
Session: SS06
Invited Session on Advanced Control and Topology for Railway Traction Drive System
Session: SS07
Invited Session on Power Electronics Application Technologies in Rail Transit: Intelligent Interface Design, Advanced Control Strategies, Modelling and Reliability
Session: SS08
Special Session on Smart manufacturing System and Data Analytics
Session: SS09
Special Session on Advanced Mechatronics in Offshore Systems
Session: SS10
Invited Session on Advanced techniques towards more electrified and intelligent mobility
Session: SS11
Invited Session on Modelling and Control of Robots
Session: SS12
Invited Session on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Session: SS13
Special Poster Session (I)
Session: SS14
Special Poster Session (II)
Session: SS15
Special Poster Session (III)
Session: SS16
Special Poster Session (IV)
Session: SS17
Special Poster Session (V)
Session: SS18
Invited Session on Advanced control technologies for robotic system and its applications
Session: SS19
Invited Session on System Design and Test
Session: SS20
Invited Session on Advanced Modeling, Analysis and Control Techniques and Emerging Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters
Session: SS21
Invited Session on System Simulation and Analysis
Session: SS22
Invited Session on Design for Electrical Components and Systems
Session: SS23
Invited Session on Grid-connected and isolated renewable energy systems